Well tonight was great. Kimmie and I went to a movie and had a blast. We even went to the book store and bought some books. It was real nice to get out of the house for a while and relax. We bought a few new books. It's really nice to have more than three authors I enjoy reading now. I'm trying a new book that I read about in Time Magazine called "THe Bonesetter's Daughter" by Amy Tan. She wrote the joy luck club. Anyway, Time did an article on the author and a review of the book. The article focused a lot on the new book and it sounded real good. Very interesting and something that would make my mind start working on many different levels. It focuses on the relationship between mothers and daughters with lots of other focuses as well. That is something that I sometimes wonder about as well, my relationship with my adoptive mother, my bio mother and my daughter's relationship with me. I've wondered at times what my daughter would remember most about me and what would affect her the most. I started it and so far I like it but it's a "thinking book". Reading it is going to require me to think, or inspire me to think and tonight I'm more in the mood for a story to entertain me. One I don't have to think about while reading it. So I started one of the other books we bought.
We saw "The Family Man" with Nicholas Cage tonight. It was very good. I enjoyed it. The ending left alot to the imagination which is good in some ways but not good in others. In so much as people (myself included) often look at movies to tell an entire story wihtout any loose threads, this movie doesn't do that. It made it fairly obvious what would happen but it wasn't a certainty. Thinking about it now, I kind of liked the ending the way it was. But the best thing about the whole movie was there were no kids with us! Wooo hooo!! I enjoyed myself. Kimmie did too so that is good. She needed to get out of the house for a while. The three of us are supposed to go to the movies tomorrow night to see Cast Away. I have been wanting to see that. The previews looked good and I like Tom Hanks, so hopefully I'll like this movie too.
Well that's really all I can think of right now.