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Thursday, October 26, 2000

Well the house guests from hell are gone. And I am so glad!! I went into the tv room and cleaned it with arella and Jeff's help. It was absolutely disgusting. I mean, food, dirty clothes, medication (out of the bottles,single pills) and all kinds of other stuff just laying around. The room stank so badly of body odor I had to use febreeze on the carpets too! I was absolutely disgusted. But it really bothered me that they just left pills laying around everywhere. I found over 10 advil tablets, 6 pills that looked like excedrin a few tylenol a bunch of advil cold/sinus tablets and a couple small white pills I don't know what they are. My son is 4 years old. He could have easily picked those pills up, swalloed them, and gotten very sick and/or died. This total lack of responsibility for themselves and the people around them just pissed me off to no end. I am glad they are finally gone. When I told Master what I had found cleaning the room on the telephone when he called me, he told me to tell them he said they have to leave. I was so grateful. It has been pretty difficult to live with these people. Extremely selfish people. Never a thank you for anything we did, not the food, not the cigarettes, not the roof over their heads. nothing. Then there came the lies about looking for a job, I found a few employment applications that we were told they had turned in, still in the tv room, filled out signed and dated from August through late September. I am just so relieved they are gone!!!!

My son tried to chase the car when Jeff left the house to go to the store. All I saw out the window was the car backing up at an angle (to turn left out of the driveway) and the side of the car coming at my son. I took off running at top speed!! I jumped down the three steps off the small porch and ran full tilt across the yard to grab him. Something in my pelvis went #SNAP# when I landed after the jump and I've been in a great deal of pain since then. My son is fine, but I did spank his butt for doing that! I was so scared that he was going to get hurt!!

I'm feeling very tired tonight. Very worn out. I think it's partly because I had to take the middle of the afternoon pain pill that I can usually skip. So I think it's just making me drowsy. Of course, when it first started working and I got a bit fuzzy is when my daughter called me and said she needed a ride home from school beacuse she couldn't take the cheesecakes from the fundraiser on the school bus. I was in pain, and fuzzy headed, but I drove to pick her up anyway. I brought arella along as a second pair of eyes to help me make sure I saw everything I needed to see from behind the wheel. I did not get into an accident or anything, and I did very well. I didn't feel "unsafe" until we got back on Cherry street which is 3 blocks from the house. Then I felt I was no longer safe driving and slowed down considerably so I could make sure if something jumped in front of the car (an animal,kid chasing a ball or something) that I could stop in time.

Last night, I sat at Master's feet and watched wrestling with him. I actually enjoyed watching it. Some of it was outright hilarious!! Some of it was rather boring. But the reason I enjoyed it so much was because of where I was sitting. I like being at his feet. It feels right and very warm. Later on, when he was checking his email and reading over pages on the humor section of the LnR site I knelt beside his chair resting my head on his shoulder and my arms on his lap. I really enjoyed that as well. I loved being on my knees beside him. Just as I loved it the night we played and I was on my knees for most of it. A very submissive position and it affects me mentally, I feel more submissive and very calm inside. Somehow, it soothes me, and other things just don't bother me at that time. I wonder if it would work to help cool off an angry mood or something? Interesting thought. I'm not sure if it would soothe my anger, or make it worse. I might have to try it sometime. After that I was in the bedroom and stubbed my toe . I said something about how being a masochist, maybe I enjoyed stubbing my toe to arella. I was just goofing off. She jokingly told Master I needed some help and he proceeded to grab me when I left the bedroom, lead me back into the bedroom and pull me over his lap, lifted my skirt and spanked me. arella was in the room for some of it. Having her there did not bother me, though I was concerned that it might upset her. Once he started spanking meand I knew it was for pleasure not punishment, I relaxed and just enjoyed it. At times like that I don't think it would bother me if my mother walked in because I am only aware of Master and nothing else matters. This of course caused me to think of poly and whether or not Master playing with and/or making love to arella would bother me. I was quite pleased with myself to realize that it wouldn't. I think it's beacuse I am such a close friend with arella and I feel safe with her. As well, I think it's because I am secure in my relationship with Master more often than not. I don't have to worry that he will replace me, because he doesn't treat me like something is wrong with me when my back acts up. He doesn't, in any way shape or form,make me feel undeserving of him or our relationship. I guess that security is helpful to me. And I know that I am glad to feel it.
Well that's about all I can think of for now. Night :)

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