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Thursday, January 11, 2001

It's been a hectic few days. We have an extra kid around the house this week, hopefully he won't be here much longer. It is a hell of a lot more work to have two children under 5 yrs old in the house. I finally got my luggage and spent time yesterday unpacking it all. Now I have extra clothes to wash, oh goody! Things still feel a bit "awkward" between me and Ron. I don't know for sure why but it's there. I think it might have to do with my having been gone for a week. That's long enough to start to adjust to my not being here, and now I'm back so maybe we're trying to get back into synch with each other. Or maybe we just need a good long intense play session. Who knows? I don't.

I finally got Dreamweaver to work for me and printed out the tutorial so I can do it without being connected to the net. It looks like this program will be a great deal of help to me in maintaining the web site. Now comes learning the darn program. LOL It shouldn't be that hard, I'm not exactly stupid, but sometimes new programs can be so intimidating. I really do hope it speeds up the time it takes me to update the site and makes it easier to manage it. HOpefully if it does these things, I will finally be able to work on my private site and get some of that stuff updated. I've wanted to add things to my personal site, like pics of me and my kids, but I haven't had much of a chance to do it yet.

I have decided to become active in the whole child abuse thing and see if I can't either force them to prosecute or change the laws so other parents do not get lied to like I did. It really pissed me off to find out taht I was being given lip service, and in turn lying to my daughter. I mean if they really didn't want to prosecute the case, why did they bother telling me they would? What a waste of my time and everything else.

I really can't think of much to blog about but I tried.

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