I don't really have a lot to blog about but I figured I better toss something up here before someone said "You need to blog raven!" LOL It's been a fairly quiet week around here. Ron is sick, no fun there that's for sure. Kimmie and I got a cold but it seems to be over for us and was only a couple of days. So far, thankfully, the kids haven't gotten sick so that's good. I figured Kyle would get sick, but he didn't and boy am I glad of that since he gets cranky as hell when he is sick. I've been reading alot this week, enjoying books that I've read before. I still like the stories though, so that's good. I've done alot of work on the cross stitch for mizu and Qryz, the main part is almost done, just have one rose left and a couple of leaves. Then I get to backstitch it, add the speciality stitches and the beads (if I can find them at Michael's) and it will be done. The funny thing about cross stitch is it seems I have to be in the mood to do it, and if I'm not, I just don't bother with it. Lazy I suppose. Or maybe it's boredom. I don't know. I do enjoy cross stitching and I love the complicated designs because you get a real sense of accomplishment when you finally finish them. And they look so beautiful! Who knows maybe one of these days I will actually complete one for myself LOL I've done a bunch for other people and given them away as presents, but the one I started for myself is half way done and I just keep putting it aside to do projects as gifts. I guess it's just an extension of how I tend to put other people before myself. Well I'm tired, so I'm going to go to bed. Night.
I just want to say hello! I found your wonderful slave blog, and I'm going to really enjoy reading it! I'm also into submission, kink. I see you lso love cross stitch- I have a new group I've just started for kinky stitchers, I would like to invite you to join at
Hope I will see you there!