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Sunday, November 26, 2000

Today was a rather quiet day. Woke up in serious pain, so took my meds first thing. Then went back to sleep because no one else was awake, and my son was still sleeping. When I woke up again I had some coffee then spent some time updating the web site. I had received a number of emails that were updating my link information for munch groups and such. So I did all that. Then I played the sims for a while. I had some trouble with the game and ended up having to uninstall it and reinstall it all over again. I hated doing that because I lost all my previous game information. Oh well, such goes life with computers.

I got a package from my mother today. Christmas presents for me and the kids. Some really nice stuff in there. I sent her an email letting her know the box arrived like I had promised her I would do.

I had joined a list last week because someone informed me that an article of mine had been posted on it. I stuck around because my friend asked me to. Someone posted about poly relationships. I did not respond to the original email. Someone responded to that email stating that anyone can walk out of any relationship at any time. I responded to that statement saying that some people do not feel or believe they can walk out. On another list I'm on, I've read many posts from slaves who state flat out that leaving is not an option for them no matter what the relationship were like. This scared me. I am not sure I can accept the idea that a person would willingly and knowingly stay in a relationship no matter what the relationship was like. Of course the question of the relationship becoming abusive came up, and I stated that most people would indeed walk out of a relationship eventually were it to be abusive. This prompted an argument where people kept saying that they would stay no matter what because that was the agreement and comittment they made. But they added things like "I don't ever see the relationship becoming abusive' and how wonderful their relationship and/or master is. So I started to wonder, is it possible that one can not truly view the possibility of abuse and thus leaving when their relationship is a happy one? The answer to that is of course, yes. It is very difficult for people to see beyond their current situation and make hypothesis about different situations. When someone is happy it is very difficult to conceive of a time where the relationship would not be a happy one or would be an abusive one. I can understand that.

Anyway, what I'm wondering about is why are there so many assholes on mailing lists? The first bit I spoke about on the walking out thing, was not a big deal. However, someone responded in a manner that was extremely rude and on my list would have gotten them warned for flaming. The person did not leave any part of the email they were responding to in their response, so I can't say if it was my words that prompted the response. I resplied to that email, and I know I shouldn't have, but I did anyway. And I was less than polite about it too, though I wasn't cruel or anything. The person responded agian and accused me of being on a high horse and such. I am assuming the insults were directed at me because they made reference to one sub telling everyone else what to do, and since I was the only sub responding to the thread with more than just a single email, I thought it was directed at me. Again, no reference was given, so I could not be sure, and I deliberately did not respond with the personal offense I felt. But this list, since the first day I got on it, has shown repeatedly that there are people on it who's main reason for being there seems to be to cause trouble. This person, and one other on that list, are always sending emails that are hurtful, angry, or downright mean to the list. Then they wonder why they get the angry responses they get. They say things like "you missed my point" "I didn't do anything wrong" and stuff like that. This drives me insane. I know i shouldn't let it get to me, I mean these are just people I don't really know, but I just do not like rudeness. I never have. I try my damndest to be polite and on topic when I post to groups, and it really isn't that hard to do. So I wonder why others can't do the same? I know, that not everyone can do those things. I guess it's just another of those things I will never fully understand because I am not like that. Similar to I can't fully comprehend child abuse, or revenge.

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